Complete Solutions for an Ever Changing Industry
Dauntless Industries reigns supreme when it comes to a complete in house solutions-focused mold making and design facility with the capability to take your product from concept to final production.

State-of-the-Art Facility
Over the past four years we have invested nearly $2 million in state of the art technology and equipment, along with an intensive employee training program…

Complete Turn Key System
Our focus is on servicing all of your needs by providing innovative solutions. We not only provide single cavity prototype short run tools, but we also offer full turnkey…

Success Stories
One Rx lens customer went from 70-80% yields to 95-98% yield. Improved from 800 net lenses a day to over 2000 net a day per mold. An immediate production increase…

Dauntless Industries
The Fearless Industry Leader
We have grown from being a custom mold manufacturer to being a true one-stop solution that encompasses many proprietary techniques unique to Dauntless in every aspect from mold design and build, turnkey production cell systems, in house trial runs, and full plastic production molding.
We have extensive experience in the medical, optical bio-medical, and pharmaceutical industries as well as experience in the automotive, consumer electronics and high-tech industries.
- Hot Runner Lens molds.
- Highest producing lens molds with up to 8 cavities.
- Torics, Cylinders and Spheres.
- Diamond turned or lapped to sub 30 angstroms.
- Refurbishing optic inserts to the same standards as our new inserts.
- Dome lens tools for High-Definition cameras.
- Most advanced tools to produce the highest quality lenses.
- Featuring Autodesk® Moldflow® Software Parts Quality Testing
Greatest ROI
Success Stories
Example of 150% increased yield!
Customer was molding Rx lenses and receiving between 70-80% yields in a 4 cavity mold with a cycle time of 5 minutes. Production was at 1,152 lenses…
We designed and built a new 6 cavity mold with improved cooling and venting. Yields increased to 95-98%, and cycle time decreased to 4 minutes. With the new…
A 20% reduction of cycle time and 2 additional parts per cycle because of the increased cavitation (old mold 4 cavity new mold 6 cavity). An overall lens…
George Payton
President and Owner
"At Dauntless, we not only believe in creating never before thought of solutions for our customers, but we also live it.”